

Sustainable development, not GDP growth to save the planet

In the fight to stop global tipping points, we are losing because the climate is changing more quickly than predicted and because we have...


Food wastage is the major cause of Global hunger and climate crisis: UN

Even though over 730 million people are hungry worldwide, food wastage is very high (billion meals are wasted every day) in both wealthy and...



Global Temperature Anomalies, Natural or Climate Breakdown, Scientists Debates

Scientists are debating whether the anomalies in global temperature in 2024 are consistent with trends of expected global warming or if they signify a...

Fossil Fuels

Activists claim that the rise of fossil gas in Europe is accelerating the climate crisis

Protesters have warned that Europe's growing use of fossil gas is hastening the collapse of the climate and putting more reliance on hostile regimes....

Climate Activism


Sea Levels